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Emergency Preparedness

How to Communicate During an Emergency

Emergencies can cause confusion and disrupt the communications we usually rely on. Have you considered how you would communicate with your loved ones in an emergency? #BePrepared with the following tips:

  • Establish three meeting places and save the locations on your phone’s mapping app. Pick one near your home, one outside of your immediate community, and one out of town.
  • Keep a fully charged portable charger or charging cord on you and in your emergency kit.    
  • If you have dependants, such as children, older adults, or pets, ensure you know the emergency response plans and communication protocols for the places they frequent.

Sturgeon Regional Emergency Management Plan


Legal along with Bon Accord, Gibbons, Morinville, Redwater and Sturgeon County have cooperatively developed Sturgeon Regional Emergency Management Partnership (SREMP) with the support and approval from the Minister of Municipal Affairs. 

SREMP promotes increased co-ordination, co-operation, collaboration, capacity, and integration by all six member municipalities and the province during all phases of emergency management: planning and preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. The Plan also enhances emergency preparedness, public education, and common public messaging for each of the key hazards the region may face and will strengthen regional information sharing, communications, and joint planning, training, and exercises. 


  1. Emergency Management Bylaw #05-2019
  2. SREMP Agreement
  3. SREMP Emergency Action Guide - Everything you need to know about Emergency Preparedness in the Sturgeon Region

We are well into Alberta’s summer hazard season. If an emergency affects your area, you may need to act quickly. #BePrepared by: